Archive for January, 2023

Daddeldienstag: Fumble

geschrieben am 3. January 2023 um 11:41 Uhr

Namida Sai arbeitet eigentlich als Unity-Entwicklerin und hat ein Faible fuer 2D Stoff und Game Jams.
Und dieses wirklich aussergewoehnliche Dings hat sie fuer den Global Game Jam – May Day Mental Health Jam rausgecoded und das ist ganz fein frustierend geworden und damit gleich den dritten Preis belegt, so soll das:


“Why can’t I just… talk?
Does it really matter what I say?”

A puzzle game about talking
& struggling with social anxiety.

Fumble is a puzzle game about how it feels to struggle to talk. It tells the story of someone suffering from social anxiety without realising it.
This game was made in 21 days for the Mental Health Game Jam 2022 organised by Deepwell DTx and Global Game Jam. One of the main goals of the jam was to demonstrate how video game themes and mechanics can be utilized as treatment mechanisms.

The gameplay acts as a playable metaphor of social anxiety and offers what we believe is one possible representation of what it feels like to have the condition.
By projecting themselves on the main character, we hope that players might be able to identify their own struggles and seek help if undiagnosed.

Play Fumble

Wolle Dingsi kaufen? (53)

geschrieben am 2. January 2023 um 11:48 Uhr
