Archive for June 7th, 2016

Daddeldienstag: Squiggles

geschrieben am 7. June 2016 um 10:56 Uhr

zbegra hat einen aeusserst niedlichen Evo-Plattformer fuer die Ludum Dare 35 rausgecoded, ein wirklich angenehm zu spielendes Teil einfach mal zum Runterkommen:


Worum gehts?
It’s an exciting day for a tiny tadpole when a bottle with a mysterious figure inside crashes in the pond! Guide the two unlikely friends through ponds to get to the ocean – freshwater is no place for Squiggles the octopus! The tadpole might not be much help at first, but progressing and growing from the experience might see you to the end of the game – good luck!

Play Squiggles