Archive for October 3rd, 2017

Daddeldienstag: Short Trip

geschrieben am 3. October 2017 um 12:07 Uhr

Heute isses nix wirklich richtiges zum Daddeln geworden, funzt aber prima als Procrastination-Tool und dann papp ich das mal hier rein denn lusticherweise hatte ich vor ein paar Tagen die Idee, selbst mal wieder im RL Strassenbahnfahren zu gehen, das kann ich mir jetzt noch ein wenig aufheben, denn Alexander Perrin hat das was aeusserst Niedliches gebastelt:


Short Trip is the first instalment in a collection of interactive illustrations created for the web. It has been created as a study into capturing the essence of graphite on paper within a digital context, and to learn more about web-based graphics technologies. Short Trip will run on most devices supporting WebGL, including mobile devices.
Due to the current limitations of both WebGL technologies and my understanding of them, there’s bound to be issues found here and there. If you’ve found something particularly odd and have a spare few minutes it would be greatly appreciated if you tell me about it here. At the moment there’s a few known issues particularly relating to Android support. I hope that these will improve with time.
Regardless, I hope that you enjoy your journey.

Play Short Trip