Archive for February 26th, 2019

Daddeldienstag: Badland

geschrieben am 26. February 2019 um 12:05 Uhr

Heute isses ein wunderbarer Sidescroller Adventurer geworden bei welchem wirklich alles passt, leider hab ich nicht rausfinden wer dieses Kleinod rausgecoded hat, vielleicht weiss es ja einer von euch dann trag ich die Credits hier nach:


BADLAND is an award-winning atmospheric side-scrolling action adventure platformer set in a gorgeous forest full of various inhabitants, trees and flowers.
Although the forest appears to be right out of a beautiful fairy tale, there’s something terribly wrong.
The player controls one of the forest dwellers to find out what’s going on, and discovers an astonishing number of imaginative traps and obstacles on the way.

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