Archive for July 20th, 2021

Daddeldienstag: Until the Last

geschrieben am 20. July 2021 um 11:40 Uhr

Heut hab ich einen Plattformer von G0tcha! mit bei, gestern dachte ich noch das ist ja aktuell und heute denk ich das ist ja schon zu spaet und dieser Gedanke wird immer lauter in meinem kleinen Schaafkopf.


“Until the Last…” is a platform game raising awareness about the rapid melting of arctic icebergs.

The player, incarnated by a polar bear, must find their way to the north pole
by avoiding crashing ice and a menacing cruise ship. Although the game lasts between 6 and 15 minutes, the level of difficulty progressively increases
as the bear approaches the final safety point.

The creators evoke the intensity of the game through the ever looming
presence of the cruise ship, a sountrack that builds on the suspense,
and rapidly crashing icebergs that impede the bear’s progress.

Play Until the Last