Archive for October 26th, 2021

Daddeldienstag: What’s your gender?

geschrieben am 26. October 2021 um 11:42 Uhr

Heute hab ich euch was von PurpleSloth mitgebracht…und ich wuerde da mal mit einem Startement der Ideenschmiede anfangen:

We are an explicitly political Studio that understands itself as queer feminist and emancipatory. A full list of positions we hold cannot be generated, but we generally oppose systems of oppression and try to empower those subjected to said systems. Based on this understanding, we aim to reflect on our positions and privileges, and try to appreciate how they influence our perspectives, and thus the ones we reproduce in our games.

Wem das jetzt zu cringe is (ja ich habe gestern ein Jugendwort gelernt) der kann den Tab getrost schliessen.
Allen anderen sei dieses “Puzzle” sehr ans Herz gelegt:


“What’s your gender?” takes the player on an adventure into a non-eucledian labyrinth, exploring terms and concepts related to gender and identity.

Explore What’s your gender?