Neues Mittwochs-Wasn-Dasn (Aufloesung)

Neinjatatsaechlich, hab mal wieder watt gefunden watt keiner brauchen tut und zwar ein…




Und weils so doll is, hier das Excerpt…besonders jut gefaellt mir der letzte Satz, ei break together:

Cyclone makes slicing wieners more fun than ever before!
This clever tool slices any wiener into a perfect spiral, allowing for speedier, more even cooking. This leads to deliciously crispy bites and a better hold for toppings!
Cyclone comes in a pack of two, including one large and one small slicer. The two sizes cover a broad range of hot dogs and sausages. Just slide them over your favorite sausages and twirl for that perfect slice.  
Colors: Mustard Yellow & Ketchup Red

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