Daddeldienstag: Stay away from the Lighthouse

Bedtimestories haben hier fuer die SCREAM JAM 2023 einen Lovecraftian Puzzle rausgecoded, ist sehr fein geworden und hat arge Reminiszenzen an die fruehen MYST Dingsis, ich fuehlte mich zurueckversetzt:


As a new lighthouse keeper, your night has taken a chilling turn. All the nearby lighthouses have gone dark, and, to make matters worse, yours is no exception.
A panicked fisherman’s frantic voice crackles through your emergency radio. He desperately pleads for your help in guiding him to safety because, as he puts it, “Something emerged from the water.”
Armed with your trusty map and the high vantage point from the top of the lighthouse, you must assist the terrified fisherman in navigating through the eerie darkness to reach safety.

Play Stay away from the Lighthouse

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